Rabu, 15 Mei 2019

The Destination of Landak City

    Porcupine Kabubaten or commonly called the Porcupine is one of the districts in West Kalimantan Province with its capital is Ngabang. This area has a lot of potential and beautiful tourism such as natural tourism, historical tourism, and cultural tourism. Here are 10 tourist attractions in Porcupine that you must visit.

Bedawan waterfall
Riam Bedawan is located in Sempatung Lawek Village, Air Besar Sarimbu District), Landak Regency. Riam in Indonesian means a waterfall, so it can be called Bedawan waterfall. Bedawan Waterfall or it could be called Bedawat Waterfall has 7 beautiful levels and its location in the tropical forest adds to its coolness and beauty. Uniquely, in this waterfall you can fish crying which is found in many of these waterfalls, and is difficult to find in other areas.

Dait Waterfall
Dait or Riam Dait Waterfall comes from the fault of the Dait River located in Skendal Village, Air Besar District, Landak Regency. This waterfall has 7 levels like Riam Bedawan. In this waterfall, you will be presented with a natural scenery that is very beautiful, beautiful and cool. Uniquely in this waterfall you will find white sand like on a beach that is rarely found in other waterfalls.

Ampar jawa waterfall
The Dait or Riam Dait Waterfall comes from the fault of the Dait River located in Skendal Village, Air Besar District, Landak Regency. This waterfall has 7 levels like Riam Bedawan. In this waterfall, you will be presented with a natural scenery that is very beautiful, beautiful and cool. Uniquely in this waterfall. You will find white water like that is rarely found in other waterfalls.

By :
Adriani Suryani
Priskila Novianti
Yulia Ratih

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