Rabu, 01 Mei 2019

5 touristic destination in Bengkayang Regency

5 touristic destination  in Bengkayang Regency

Talking about natural beauty in Indonesia is endless. Besides Bali, Lombok, Raja Ampat, Indonesia still has thousands of tourist destinations that you must visit. Destinations that you should not miss are tourist destinations in Bengkayang Regency. Bengkayang Regency, West Kalimantan has many beautiful tourist destinations that not many people know about. The following are tourist attractions in Bengkayang that you must visit.
Jamur Hill

Want to try the sensation of enjoying the beauty of nature on the clouds? come to the village of Belangko Bengkayang District. There is a hill called the Bukit Jamur that offers the sensation of enjoying the natural beauty around it from above altitude, called above the clouds because after you reach the top of the Bukit jamur, you will see a stretch of white clouds that surround the hill with the naked eye. So that it is as if you are on a cloud.
 Riam Merasap Waterfall

This one tourist attraction is no less interesting than other tourist attractions. Riam Merasap waterfall located in Batang Air Village, Tujuh Belas District, Bengkayang Regency. This beautiful and unspoiled natural panorama will make you feel at home and want longer to enjoy the freshness of Riam Merasap waterfall. Its location close to the State of Malaysia also becomes its own attraction for its citizens. No wonder that many Malaysians who visit the cascade waterfall feel this. 
Tribal Forest

The tourist attraction which was inaugurated directly by the Regent of Bengkayang on October 15, 2002 is located in Melayang Hamlet, Sahan Village, Seluas District which has an area of about 100 hectares and can be reached by using 2 and 4-wheeled vehicles with 80 km of Bengkayang Regency. Tribal forests are forests belonging to local customary communities that are preserved and become forests protected by indigenous peoples living around tribal forests. This forest is perfect for you adventurers.
Riam Berawan Waterfall

This waterfall, which has a height of around 75 M, is quite popular in Bengkayang Regency. Because Riam Berawan Waterfall is still surrounded by beautiful and natural forests. The reason local people call it Riam Berawan Waterfall is because the water that falls from above gives the effect as if the water is like a cloud. Riam Berawan waterfall is the highest waterfall in Bengkayang Regency.
Riam Madi
Attractions in Bengkayang Regency are then located in Lumar District and are quite popular. Riam Madi was originally just a source of clean water for the community in Bengkayang Regency, but because it has an attractive natural beauty, many people visit this river and eventually become a tourist spot.
So, which attractions are the most interesting for you?

  Written by:

Priskila Novianti

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