Rabu, 01 Mei 2019

NAIK DANGO "Thanksgiving" Festival


Opening Dance

Naik Dango is annual activity in Landak, for this year Naik Dango was held on, Saturday, April, 27th, 2019 and officially opened by Drs. Cornelis as President of  Majelis Adat Dayak Nasional (MADN). In the opening ceremony of Naik Dango in this time was attened Ria Norsan as deputy governor of West Kalimantan, and also his wife Erlina Norsan.
     Naik Dango is one of some ways to keep dayak culture up especially in Ngabang City. The event of Naik  Dango also invites all of dayak people to joined. In Naik Dango event, so many various of performance and game, some example of those are, traditional dance, stand of each sub-district in Landak, handcrafts and many more. Dayak people very excited when they could took part in the Naik Dango event. The enthusiasm of the people who attended not only came from the Regency of Landak, but came from all Regencies in West Kalimantan and even visitors from abroad such as Sarawak Malaysia.

                                                                                                                                     Written by:

Yulia Ratih (321610021)


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