Rabu, 22 Mei 2019

Teletubbies Park in the National Boundary

The Enchantment of Hidden Shoulder Hill, Teletubbies Park in the National Boundary


Hello everyone ... I want to tell you one of the places of tourism, namely is Shoulder Hill (Bukit Bahu). Enjoy the sunrise or sunrise or otherwise sunset or sunset, can be done anywhere in the world. But if you happen to be in West Kalimantan or the city of Pontianak, there are many interesting spots to enjoy it.
One of the sensations for nature lovers, especially those who like to do outdoor activities, is not mistaken if Shoulder Hill, in Bangau Hamlet, Majel Village, Bonti District, Sanggau Regency, WestKalimantan, is the best destination, which should not be missed when visiting West Kalimantan.
The location of this natural tourism is not widely known by the public, because Shoulder Hill is like a hidden natural charm in West Kalimantan.
However, in the last few months, Bukit Bahu is often visited by students, nature lovers, communities and various other visitors with different backgrounds. Shoulder Hill is becoming more widely known, because so many photos adorn the walls of Instagram and other social media that offer the natural beauty of Shoulder Hill.
The beauty of the hilly landscape covered with rows of clouds that hang on the top of the hill and the emergence of sunrise in the morning and sunset in the afternoon becomes a sensation that cannot be forgotten while on the peak of Shoulder Hill.
The eyes are increasingly spoiled during the rainy season like now, Shoulder Hilltop is covered with thick fog and cold air that hits the skin. Although the height of the top of the hill is not too high, but at the top with a thick fog, it feels a different sensation.
Not only that, a vast expanse of weeds and soothing green as far as the eye can see the ridge with other rows of hills.
This spectacular view is only found at the top of Bukit Bahu, and visitors can walk to enjoy the fresh air and the sound of birds singing sweetly.
The vast expanse of thatch is characteristic of the natural landscape at the top of Shoulder Hill. Therefore, when you are here you are hypnotized to see the vast landscape of the weeds on top of the hill like a green park, and some even give the name "Teletubbies" park.
Not surprisingly, when tired of climbing or already at the foot of Shoulder Hill or redeeming a stretch of weeds on the ridge to reach the top of the hill on foot, hands felt spontaneously pulling a small camera in a pocket or smartphone to take pictures with the beauty of Shoulder Hill.

Snap! Some photos were immediately uploaded and displayed on Instagram and Facebook walls and other social media. Because even though it is far from the city of Pontianak, being on top of Bukit Bahu the signal of a cellular operator can still be captured both by cellphone, even though it sometimes comes and sometimes disappears.
In addition, other sights are rice plants on the ridge that are planted by the community as a basic necessity as the tradition descends.
Back and forth from the local community farming on the foothills and ridges can still be seen even interacting with them at this location. The activities of the local community mostly depend on the lives of their families from farming or farming.
Various horticultural plants as a support for family income where their results are sometimes marketed to neighboring villages even to Malaysia. Why to Malaysia? Yes, this Bangau village is not far from the front porch of the Indonesia-Malaysia border.
The location of Shoulder Hill is behind residential areas. The distance from the city of Pontianak to the location of natural attractions with two-wheeled vehicles reaches travel time between 2 hours to 5 hours, depending on weather conditions if sunny will be even faster.
But with four-wheeled vehicles, it will be relatively short because the traffic flow is not too dense. With most of the road conditions relatively smooth. But to reach the top of Bukit Bahu, because you have to take a foot and climb trip, the time needed depends on the ability of each individual.
Well, if you can't afford to carry heavy items, or enough logistical items, there are a number of local guides and porters who can help with the rates as agreed. Even local children are also swift to help bring camping equipment or other items that need to be brought.
To enter this location, visitors are required to fill out and sign the visit list book provided by the head of the local RT, while paying the entrance fee of Rp. 12,000 per person. This tariff is at the same time the vehicle parking rate, because this tourist location has not been managed by the local government.
Sitting leisurely over the dry straw while grazing on hot coffee or tea while eyes staring far away at the natural scenery at the Peak of Bukit Bah, truly presents an extraordinary sensation and is not easily forgotten. It needs the attention of the local government, so that the Shoulder Hill Tourist location is increasingly popular and equipped with facilities so that it can become a new tourist destination that is no less beautiful as "the land above the clouds" or other tourist attractions that have been managed well.

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