Rabu, 22 Mei 2019

Manajur Waterfall

Manajur Waterfall

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Assalamu’alaikum wr,wb. In West Kalimantan there are several waterfalls, one of which is Riam Manajur. Bengkayang Regency is known for its million tourist waterfall charms. One of them is Riam Manajur, which has recently become known to the public. Riam manajur is located in Laek hamlet, Bengkilu Village, District 17, Bengkayang Regency.
               Riam Manajur is one of the waterfall tourist destinations located in Laek Hamlet, Bengkilu Village, Tujuhbelas District, Bengkayang Regency. Journey in there can use a motorcycle and about 2 hours drive to Laek Village. But , 1 hour to journey through slippery land, uphill and downhill treated to a natural forest panorama. after tracking using a motorcycle, the trip continues on foot. The terrain of the journey to Riam Manajur is still rock and in there is a village where the majority are Dayak and Javanese.

               If you go there, you must first give permission to the people in the village. When we arrived at home, we were given directions about Riam Manajur including the rules and prohibitions. according to residents of Riam Manajur, it is still closely related to the mystical things. Like as laughing loudly, burning shrimp paste, fish, the core chickens that are taken are stinging and speak carelessly. So, we must obey the rules that in there. After that the residents will guide tourists to get to their destination.
               Riam Manajur was only known in this short time. But, many tourists have visited this Manajur Riam. Riam Manajur has a beautiful view with a forest that is still green, the sound of singing birds that can release tired tiredness. Highly recommended friends to vacation here. Wassalamu'alaikum wr,wb.

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