Rabu, 22 Mei 2019

Kerihun Betung Nasional Par

Kerihun Betung National Park in Kapuas Hulu, WeST BORNEO: The Place for the Smallest Frogs in the World

Betung Kerihun National Park is a conservation area of ​​8,000 square kilometers in Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan, which has a topography of the Muller mountain range that connects Mount Betung and Gunung Kerihun as a barrier between the Indonesian and Malaysian regions. This area has hundreds of small and large river networks in the vast Kapuas watershed.

Betung Kerihun National Park is a protected area in Embaloh Hulu Subdistrict, Embaloh Hilir Subdistrict and Putussibau District in Kapuas Hulu District, West Kalimantan, which has a long-form layout and borders Sarawak in northern Malaysia. Forests grouped into eight types of ecosystems are Dipterocarp Pamah Forest, Alluvial Forest, Swamp Forest, Old Secondary Forest, Dipterocarp Hill Forest, Cretaceous Forest, Sub-Montane Forest and Montane Forest occupy the first cross-border conservation area in Asia and have unique biodiversity .
The Pamah Dipterocarpaceae Forest has the largest share and diversity of Dipterocarpus, Dryobalanops, Hopea, Parashorea, Shorea, Vatica and others. Amyxa pluricormis is a relative of the agarwood tree (Aquilaria spp) as Borneo endemic and a single tribe, also Musa lawitiensis banana and several new findings such as Neo uvaria, Acuminatissima, Inermis Castanopsis, Lithocarpus phillipinensis, Chisocheton caulifloris, Eugenia spicata and Shorea peltata.
Dipterocarpaceae has 121 species out of a total of 267 species that grow on Borneo, the genus Shorea has more than 30 species, Euphorbiaceae (73 species), Clusiaceae (33 species), Burseraceae (30 species), and Mrytaceae (28 species). Primary tropical forests in national parks have an important role in the world of fauna.
More than 48 mammal species recorded were Dahan Tigers (Muntiacus muntjak), Golden Deer (Mutiacus atherodes), Sambar (Cervus sp), rabbits (Tragulus Napu) and beavers (Lutra sumatrana) which were declared threatened by the IUCN apparently still encountered. More than 7 primate species are Borneo orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus), Kelempiau (Hylobates muelleri), Hout (Presbytis frontata), Seaman (Presbytis rubicunda), Macaca nemestrina, Macaca fascicularis and tarsius (Tarsius bancanus).
More than 4,000 fish specimens from 123 stations in 35 large and small rivers found 112 species of fish in 41 genera and 12 families, while 14 of them were endemic to Borneo. More than 170 species of insects have been identified. This group includes 301 bird species identified in 151 genera and 36 families, while 15 species are migrants and 24 species are endemic to Borneo. New found birds are Acciper nisus, Dendricitta cinerascens, Ficedula parva, Luscinia callus, Pycononotus flasvescent and Rhinomyas brunneata. Hornbill (Buceros vigil) is a West Kalimantan mascot fauna.
Amphibians and reptiles recorded 1500 species consisting of 51 amphibian species, 26 species of lizards, two species of crocodiles, three species of turtles and 21 species of snakes. The most special amphibian is the smallest frog in the world, this is the one centimeter Leptobrachella myorbergi.
The activities we can do it in there are
Swimming, fishing, trekking, hiking, camping and hammocking. Explore flora and fauna. Exploring ethnography, archeology, architecture, culture and culinary. Witness sunset and sunrise, hunt photography and videography, and others.
If you want  to go there and your first destination is the City of Pontianak, the Capital of West Kalimantan Province. From Pontianak take a flight to Pangsuma Airport in the city of Putussibau. Then use a boat to explore the Kapuas river, Sibau river and Mendalam river for 5 hours.

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