Minggu, 05 Mei 2019

Bukit Kelam: As the rock hill in the world,

Kelam Hill  is an exposed granitic dome in Borneo, with an elevation of 1,002 m. Kelam hill is located in Kelam Permai District, 20 km from Sintang City, West Kalimantan or about 395 km from Pontianak. The location of Kelam Hill is between two large rivers, namely the Melawi River and the Kapuas River. To reach this location, you can take route regular buses and rented car, turism location from capitily city Pontianak as far as 400 km for 6 hours of travel. Flying Kalstar has opened a route with trave 35 minutes.

Kelam Hill has the potential to develop as a natural tourist destnitaion and attraction such as for flying and rock climbing lit's ata an altitude of 50-900 meters above sea level.
Kelam Hill is a unique mountain of grand beauty. It rises singly and abruptly from a wide plain overgrown by young forest almost up to 1000 m above seal level and stretches approximately from west to east. Above the upper edge of the cliff there is high mountain vegetation compiled of bushes and small trees. Kelam Mountain is one of the most important known habitat in the world for semar plants.

By Arianto

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