Rabu, 01 Mei 2019

Robo-robo : Tradisional Culture Of Mempawah

Robo-robo is a refusing ceremony by the community of Mempawah City, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The ceremony was held on the last Wednesday of the month of Safar, Hijriah.

Robo-robo is a cultural asset of Mempawah Regency and is one of the Not Objective Cultural Heritage of Indonesia which was established on October 27, 2016 by the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia and has since entered the national tourism calendar and is a cultural tourism agenda every year.

Initially this event was held to welcome Opu Daeng Menambon from the Kingdom of Matan (Tanjungpura) in Ketapang Regency to Mempawah Kingdom which was formerly named Panembahan Senggaok in Pontianak Regency in 1737 AD or 1448 H. Opu Daeng Menambon was descended from the Luwu Kingdom, South Sulawesi. Opu Daeng Menambon came to Mempawah to spread Islam. In addition to spreading Islam, Opu Daeng Menambon also continued the royal throne of Panembahan Senggaok, which at the time was held by a sultan in the Kingdom of Matan Tanjunpura.

The voyage of Opu Daeng Manambon from the Kingdom of Matan Tanjungpura (Ketapang Regency) was accompanied by about 40 boats. When entering in Kuala Mempawah Estuary, the group was welcomed with joy by Mempawah community. The reception was carried out by placing various colorful paper and cloth in people's homes on the banks of the river. In fact, some residents welcomed the entry of Opu Daeng Manambon to Mempawah River by boat. Moved by the lively greetings of Mempawah people, Opu Daeng Manambon also provided food for the people who were on the riverbank to enjoy them too. Because when he arrived it coincided with the last Sunday of the month of Syafar, then the group took time down in Kuala Mempawah. Furthermore, Opu Daeng Manambon prayed together with the residents who welcomed him, asking for salvation to God to be kept away from disaster and disaster. After doing the prayer, then proceed with eating together. The procession was then used as the beginning of the Robo-robo day, which is held every year by Mempawah residents, by eating outdoors with relatives and neighbors.

For ordinary people, robo-robo events are carried out only by carrying out prayer-reading activities to refuse reinforcements and proceed with eating saprahan or together outside the house (in the field, on the edge of the road, and on the aisle, on the mosque, etc.), the community in Mempawah routinely do joint meals once a week during the safar month until the official robo-robo is held on the last Wednesday on the safar month. for Mempawah people to eat together like this strengthen the brotherhood among fellow citizens, by eating with the people sharing with each other regardless of social status. Mempawah community also considers robo-robo as one of the big days, no wonder when robo-robo people cook ketupat on the same day as when Lebaran arrived.

Written By :

M. Agit Ramananda
Rendi Fahrizal 

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