Kamis, 23 Mei 2019



Sepakat Hamlet, Sungai Kupah Village, Sungai Kakap Subdistrict, Kubu Raya Regency is one of the centers for the spread of Islam in West Kalimantan. Masjid At Tamini is a historical proof that still stands in the village. The oldest mosque in Kubu Raya District was founded in 1900.

The founder was H Tamin Bin H Abdussamad, one of the religious leaders on the Kupah River who died in 1949 ago. The name Atamin is then enshrined as the name of the Mosque At-Tamini. The At-Tamini Mosque building is all made of belian wood and wood, and the mosque is made of belian wood. The mosque has undergone several renovations, but the original shape is still maintained.

"But now this mosque is no longer used as a prayer, because there is already a new mosque building. So the old mosque was used for TPA, "said Kadus Sepakat, Mohtar Ismail.

Masjid At Tamini itself is located right on the Kupah River. Behind the old mosque is a new mosque. The new mosque building itself has been built permanently with concrete materials with modern nuances.

Meanwhile, the building area of ​​the 11 × 11 meter Mosque At-Tamini, can accommodate around 200 worshipers. This mosque has eight large size windows. 6 windows on the right and left side and two windows on the front.

Uniquely, the mosque's dome is not like a mosque now because it uses jars. While the shape of the building is a 1.5 meter high stage.

"Actually this mosque has been proposed to be a cultural preserve. It's just that the administrative process is rather complicated. So until now it's not clear, "said Mohtar Ismail.

He said, if the process of proposing this cultural preserve was successful it would certainly be a joy.

Because in the future there will be maintenance costs from the government so the mosque at Tamini can continue to stand firm. 

Writen By :

M. Agit Ramananda 

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