Kamis, 23 Mei 2019



After the baby is 40 days old, a Hair Shaving Ceremony is performed. The purpose and purpose of this ceremony is to dispose of baby's hair from the mother's womb or throw away "haram fur". For the people, they can throw away "sawan", meaning that the baby who is cut off by his hair will grow healthy and be kept away from various diseases. This ceremony is not only shaving the baby's hair but also accompanied by "marhaban", which is the reading of the Mawlid Prophet, in the form of a series of poetic sentences in Arabic which contain the story of the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW.

In carrying out this ceremony, the host, namely the grandfather of the baby who will be cut off his hair, welcomes invited guests consisting of the local Kyai and several invitations to Muslim-clothed fathers, after all gather, the host remarks and a thank you for the guests' arrival to give the baby a blessing.

The equipment prepared for the hairdressing ceremony includes:

Small hair scissors.
Green coconuts perforated by the top.
Seven kinds of flowers

The reading of the Mawlid book was led by the cleric or cleric. After reading the praises, the baby is carried by his father or his brother (his grandfather) accompanied by a tray carrier, (tray) containing green coconut, a bowl filled with flower water, small scissors and perfume. ceremony participant. By reading Bismillahirakhmaanirra hhhim, the baby's hair is cut, beginning with Mr. Kyai (Ustadz), then followed by the others until all of them get there. The way to cut the hair is that the scissors are dipped in the flower water, then a few strands of the baby's hair are held and cut. Haircuts are placed in coconut water. After cutting the hair, the scissors are pressed with perfume on the floor by the tray carrier.

A few days later the baby's hair is shaved out. The "sawan" haircut was collected, then put together into the young coconut. Before the hair is buried, the hair is weighed on the golden scale and valued at the value of gold which will be donated to the poor as alms.

The purpose of this charity is hope that the baby will become a person who is beneficial to society, the people, the nation and religion, and devote to their parents. This reminds, that coconut (which is used to store baby hair), is one of the plants that all parts of the tree are useful to humans. From the roots to the tops of the leaves, especially the fruit is useful for humans.

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