Rabu, 26 Juni 2019



This is the newest resort in West Kalimantan, a 4-star resort that just opened in 2018. I left in March 2018 (March 17-19 2018).
So, this resort has amazing views, not only that, the resorts here are also really cool for photos and vacations, aka short escape. The name of the place is KAHYANGAN RESORT.
Located in Tanjung Gundul, Karimunting, Bengkayang - West Kalimantan. If you come here, you have to use a land line. From Pontianak city around 3 hours, if from Singkawang city around 30 minutes.

In Kahyangan Resort there are 3-5 buildings consisting of 10-20 rooms per building.
It also consists of a suite room (consisting of 3 rooms at once) for the family.
And don't forget, there is also a villa at the end facing the beach directly!

As the name implies "Kahyangan", this place is very fascinating in the province of West Kalimantan, with a clean and blue beach and sea view. Then the architect and the design of the building is pretty cool, perfect for Instagram kids who are fond of photographs.

if from Pontianak, about 3 hours, right? use land routes. if from the city of Singkawang around 30 minutes

Room Price: IDR 650,000 ++ weekday

(For more promos: it can reach IDR 500,000 ++ weekday | IDR 700,000 ++ weekend

Reservations can be via Instagram, by phone or through Agoda.

Instagram: @kahyanganresort

Address: Jl. Samudra Indah Beach KM 124

Tj. Bald, Karimunting, Bengkayang - West Kalimantan

Facebook: Kahyangan Resort




Sungai Kupah village is located in Sungai Kakap sub-district, Kubu Raya district.

Kupah River besides having a heritage of the past also has some interesting and amazing attractions. Such as the satellite tower, lighthouse tower and mangrove forest.

Lighthouse is a building built by the government of transportation that is in this Kupah river. To give a sign for sea voyagers. This building was built in the past 2016. Has its own attraction for the people in the Kupah River.

Kupah River Mangrove is a tourist destination on the coast of Sungai Kakap District. The closest mangrove tourism from the city center, Pontianak. Creativity Young people make this area worth visiting.

Travel distance to the Kupah River Mangrove from the urban center in Pontianak is about 30 kilometers. The travel time is around one hour. Many roads to Rome can also be interpreted as many routes that can be taken to get to the Kupah River Tourism.

Road access offered through Kom Yos Sudarso Road or familiarly called Jeruju. Crossing the new Nipah Kuning area into the Rengas River. This has entered Kubu Raya District.

From the Rengas River continues to the Great Jeruju. Only then arrived at the Kupah River. Although the name is the Kupah River Mangrove, but more precisely it is at Tanjung Intan.

Other access that can be taken is crossing the Kakap Highway. Arriving at the junction of the bridge on a large river, turn right into the River Itik. From here head to Sungai Kupah until you reach the destination point at Tanjung Intan. Mangrove tourist destinations are located.

Highway Kakap can be a good alternative road to cross. The condition of the road is better even though there is still damage to the road at a number of points. Starting from Sungai Itik, Jeruju Besar to the Kupah River.

It's not difficult to reach there. Directions can be obtained when using google maps. Along the way there are also directions to the location. Asking the local community would not hurt to get certainty about the Kupah River Mangrove.

This tourist destination began to be built in 2017. But it really became a new tourist destination one year later, in 2018. The creativity of young people from Sungai Kupah who beautified the region. From painting tracks to mangroves. Decorate the edges of the track using used tires. Place a hammock on a tree to make a chair.

Rendi Fahrizal
M. Agit Ramananda


The Hiden Paradise - Ampar Jawa Waterfall

Jumat, 21 Juni 2019

The year-end holiday has arrived, bored with the hustle and bustle of the vehicle and comfortably saturated with the bustling atmosphere? Visiting natural attractions far from the city can be an option.If you are interested, you can visit some natural attractions in West Kalimantan. Bengkayang is one of the regencies in West Kalimantan that has interesting places to visit. This area is famous for having lots of cascades. Some of them appear very often on social media, such as Riam Merasap, Riam Berawatn, and Riam Palayo. Visitors often upload photos or compilation videos to visit there. It turns out that besides these three cascades, Bengkayang still has lots of cascades with waterfalls intended to be explored, for example Riam Ampang.
This article has been written in tribunpontianak.co.id under the title Riam Ampang, Always Remembered Nature Tourism, http://pontianak.tribunnews.com/2017/12/16/riam-ampang-wisata-alam-yang-selalu-dikenang .Located in Dawar Hamlet, Pisak Village, District of Seventeen, this cascade offers tranquility that is always remembered. Unlike most cascades which are often cloudy in the rainy season, the water in Riam Ampang remains clear.
One of the visitors, Aris (23) said that Riam Ampang is the right place for refreshing. The water color is clear greenish, will be more beautiful in the morning when the sun rises. "When the sunrise, we will be presented with a soothing sight, He said, along the way to enter Ampam Riam, visitors were presented with a view of the typical Bengkayang hill, farmers' activities became the frame of travel. Adrenaline will be challenged with steep derivatives, ground and stone footing is rather slippery, especially when it rains, so visitors must be careful. "There used to be stairs from bamboo, the attacks were gone, maybe this also needs attention," explained the young man who had returned to this place many times. He suggested that visitors bring tents or hammocks if they want to spend the night, spending time in the middle of nature can be a memorable closing end of the year.

By: Cici Nurpermadani